Monday, September 20, 2010

Has It Really Been So Long?

Forgive me blog for I have sinned.

For it has been nearly TWO MONTHS since my last posting.


I always feel better after confessions.

Don't you?

Anyway, I'm back. After a brief frenzy of "how on earth do women mother more than one child at a time?"

Seriously people, look at how boys play - how am I supposed to keep up?

Luckily this well-muscled man is always ready to run interference.

So, after realizing that I won't and can't and don't need to "keep up" I feel like I finally have some solid ground under my feet.

A few weeks ago I was making my apologies to friends who I haven't connected with in ages. As in well before my last blog post. Unacceptable.

As I was offering my genuine regret over missing important months out of beautiful lives I offered the tentative suggestion that I would be ready to engage in life again somewhere around the middle of September.

Why then?

Because the middle of September is fall.

And fall brings me to life.

The fragrances.
The colors.
The textures.
The pace.

Truly, autumn revives me.

I am so glad it is here.

And I'm so glad to be blogging again.

1 comment:

Allison said...

Welcome back! I've missed your entertaining words of wisdom!

Great picture of your all of your boys!